今秋藝術節是由鹿港在地藝文企業鹿港囝仔與彰化縣保鹿運動協會,共同發起的民間自籌表演藝術節慶。自2015年起舉辦,先後提出「先有在地參與,才談在地藝術節」、「Community 生活的共同體」、「Connecting 連結」、「對話」等策展概念,讓藝術節不只是地方的慶典,而是透過「策展」凝聚意識產生認同,也翻轉了人們對鹿港的刻板印象,打開新的想像。
2022以《洛津那夢》為主題,取自昔日鹿港文人雅士喜愛以「洛津」稱呼鹿港,以及對地方新生的「鹿港夢」期待。因此藝術節海報選用畫家葉佳緯創作的鹿港大船 《理想鄉》為底,並尋求當地燈籠字體師傅陳明輝協助,以燈籠字體書寫洛津那夢主題字。取材鹿港當地「三步一小廟、五步一大廟」悠久的寺廟文化與城市寫照,以金紙作為發想與實際印製材料,設計成海報,並在印刷及後加工上呈現金紙製作工法的意象。不只為這個土生土長的藝術節加強在地文化意象;更演繹歷經時代變遷後的鹿港,其古韻卻又帶新潮的城市個性。

Lukang Arts Festival is a grassroots self-funded performing arts festival initiated by The Kids From Lukang and The Lukang Renaissance. Since 2015, it has proposed curatorial concepts such as "local participation before local arts festival" "Community," "Connecting," and "Dialogue," making the festival not only a local celebration but also a way to build awareness and identity through curation. It has also transformed people's stereotypical impressions of Lugang and opened up new imaginations.
In 2022, the festival's theme is "Lók-tin ná bāng," which comes from the past when Lugang literati liked to call Lugang "Lók-tin" and the expectation of the "Lugang dream" for local revitalization. Therefore, the festival poster uses the painting "Ideal Township" of the Lugang big boat created by the painter Yeh Chia-wei as the background and seeks the assistance of local lantern font master Chen Ming-hui to write the "Lók-tin ná bāng" theme in lantern font. Drawing on the long-standing temple culture and urban scenery of "three steps, one small temple, five steps, one big temple" in Lugang, the festival design is inspired and actually printed on joss paper, presenting the imagery of joss paper production techniques in printing and processing. This not only strengthens the local cultural imagery of this home-grown festival but also interprets Lugang after the changes of times with its ancient charm and new urban personality.
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