
ShuYuanSong Developed with various weights to meet different needs for a high quality reading environment. Integrating the features of calligraphy and engraving typesetting, ShuYuanSong is a typeface with elegance and staunchness.

✹獲得2023金點設計獎 視覺傳達設計標章,並入圍年度最佳設計獎

​在字樣設計上,特別針對主要對象 - 視覺設計師,捨棄以往字型常使用的說明手冊設計,以視覺設計師的思維出發,討論實際使用情境,並以此設定多種印刷及後加工物件,讓設計師能夠更直覺理解在不同的設計需求中,皆能夠得到完整的字型方案。 內容包含平版印刷、數位性刷、凸版印刷,以及打凸、燙金、軋型等常用加工方式。其中有以形狀版為發想,希望使用者透過描型,熟悉字型的造型特色,也設計有立體三角盒,呈現字型在三維空間的視覺效果,另外因應文鼎書苑®宋針對螢幕顯示的優良特性,也設計AR的觀看方式,更直覺的與數位閱讀連結。 最後將文鼎書苑®宋的主要特色,另外整理設計成短片,線上宣傳與實體互動的配合下,希望使用者能夠更快速理解這個新世代的宋體,也能想像即將帶來的改變。

In the font sample design, special consideration is given to the main audience - visual designers. Instead of using traditional instruction manual design for fonts, the design starts with the thinking of visual designers, discussing actual usage scenarios and setting multiple printing and post-processing objects accordingly. This allows designers to intuitively understand that complete font schemes can be obtained in different design requirements. The content includes offset printing, digital printing, letterpress, and common post-processing finishing such as deboss, foil stamping, and die cutting. Among them, some are inspired by gemetry template, hoping that users can familiarize themselves with the styling characteristics of fonts through depicting. There is also a three-dimensional triangle box designed to present the visual effect of fonts in three-dimensional space. In addition, in response to the excellent characteristics of ShuYuanSong for screen display, an AR viewing mode is also designed to more intuitively link with digital reading. Finally, the main features of ShuYuanSong are organized into a short film design, and with the combination of online promotion and physical interaction, it is hoped that users can quickly understand this new generation of Song fonts and imagine the changes it will bring.

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