延續這樣的精神,在外包裝設計上,考量包材規範限制與形象設定,以幾何白米圖形與顏色設定為系列的視覺系統,呈清質、簡約、單純的質感,引導消費者直接與產品本體的感性想像;富麗米以白米與烹熟後的蓬鬆白飯交錯,呈現產地到餐桌的最短距離;越光米則以稻穗與銀色的月光,呼應米飯烹熟後,呈現如皎潔月光的光澤。也讓兩款米飯同時陳列架上時,更能以產生形象聯動,達到類似視覺行銷的量感陳列特性。 期待除了可以讓消費者一眼在貨架上辨識及閱讀的包裝以外,也可以藉由視覺,直覺傳遞產品本身的質感想像。

Using white rice made from well-known Taiwanese FULI(富麗米) and Koshihikari(越光米), in addition to the selection of high-quality local ingredients, also emphasizes the rich texture brought by high-quality white rice varieties. Continuing this spirit, in the packaging design, considering the restrictions of packaging material specifications and image setting, a visual system is set with geometric rice graphics and color settings, presenting a clear, simple, and pure texture, guiding consumers to directly imagine the sensibility of the product itself; FULI rice interlaces white rice and fluffy cooked rice, presenting the shortest distance from the place of origin to the dining table; Koshihikari rice uses rice ears and silver moonlight to echo the gloss of the cooked rice, presenting a luster like bright moonlight. When both types of rice are displayed on the shelf, they can generate image linkage, achieving the High Quantity display(量感陳列) property similar to visual marketing. In addition to being able to allow consumers to recognize and read the packaging on the shelf at a glance, it is also expected that through visual perception, the imagined texture of the product itself can be conveyed.
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